The GForce Gymnastics & Parkour Story

How It Started
I AM GForce
The GForce Gymnastics & Parkour story began in San Diego, California. Originally known as San Diego Gymnastics , we opened our first location in San Diego in 2008. Owners, Doug and Christina Grady, found themselves busy working full time jobs while trying to find time to shuttle their three children to various activities, including driving their daughter 30+ minutes each way to gymnastics 3 times a week. This quickly helped the Gradys realize that San Diego needed gymnastics.
Christina grew up in east county and was an avid gymnast and all-around athlete. She attended the University of California Irvine on a basketball scholarship. Doug grew up in San Diego and then went on to earn his degree in entrepreneurship at the University of Southern California. The combination of experience, with the understanding of the demand for gymnastics in San Diego, made for the key ingredients that sparked the beginning of San Diego Gymnastics. With the success of the first location and demand in more communties, SDG grew into the largest gymnastics and parkour facility in the city.
The journey of growth for SDG has been incredible, but not always easy. The amazing employees, coaches, and support personnel have been key to our success. We are forever thankful to them and to our loyal customers! There are not words to show our appreciation for everyone that has helped us continue to provide an activity that we whole-heartedly believe helps kids grow and prosper.
GForce Gymnastics & Parkour combines a passion for gymnastics with a commitment to empowering children through fitness. By providing high-quality coaching and a supportive environment, GForce Gymnastics & Parkour is more than just a gymnastics franchise–it's a place where young athletes build confidence, resilience, and lifelong skills.

Love and Appreciation for the Team and Community
GForce Gymnastics & Parkour’s journey of growth has been incredible–but not always easy. Amazing employees, coaches, and support personnel have been key to our success.
GForce is forever thankful to them and to our loyal customers! There are not words to show appreciation for everyone who has helped GForce continue to provide an activity that helps kids grow and prosper.