Children practice at GForce gymnastics center

Gymnastics Classes for Kids in GForce.

Our recreational classes offer a safe environment that allows kids of all ages to explore the exciting world of gymnastics in an inclusive and welcoming way. Expect to see your child’s confidence soar as they overcome challenges and master new techniques.

Join the Movement with our
Recreational Gymnastics Classes

Explore our classes below arranged by age and skill level. Need help
finding the perfect class for your child? Contact our experts today!

Kickstart your journey with GForce Rookies Classes

Rookies: Ages crawling-walking

Our 50-minute Rookies class is a parent/guardian participation class for children that are 0 to walking ages. The benefits aren’t only for kids–Rookies classes are fun for parents too!

In this class, kids will:

  • Learn motor skills, spatial awareness, perceptual skills, and other skills helpful for life, such as risk-taking and confidence.
  • Work on balance, coordination, and socialization through playing with new friends
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Children playing in the GForce recreational gymnastics classes

Play Dates: Ages walking-3 years

Our 50-minute Play Date class is a parent/guardian participation class for children who are crawling up to age 3. Both parents and kids enjoy the fun, movement, and interaction.

In this class, kids will:

  • Learn motor skills, spatial awareness, socialization, perceptual skills, balance, and coordination.
  • Work on tumbling on the floor, balancing on the beams, swinging on the bars, and jumping on the trampoline.
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Children learning new skills in GForce recreational gymnastics classes

Grommets: Ages 3-5 years

Our 50-minute Grommets class is the first of our independent classes designed for children ages 3 to 5.

In this class, kids will:

  • Learn tumbling, balance, coordination, agility, listening skills, independence, and patience.
  • Work on tumbling on the floor, balancing on the beams, swinging on the bars, and jumping on the trampoline.
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Children learning hanging in GForce recreational gymnastics classes

Hang Five: Ages 5-6 years

Our 60-minute Hang Five class is for children ages 5 to 6 that are lively and full of energy.

In this class, kids will:

  • Learn and build on physical skills while supporting social, emotional, and cognitive growth.
  • Work on cartwheels, forward rolls, hanging, balancing, jumping, and running.
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Children learning new skills in GForce recreational gymnastics classes

Level 1: Ages 6+

Our 60-minute Level 1 class is for girls ages 6 and up. With guidance from our USAG certified instructors, students will be introduced to the fundamentals of gymnastics.

In this class, gymnasts will:

  • Learn cartwheels, various rolls, handstands, pull-overs, proper running form, squat-ons, beam walks, jumps, turns, and much more.
  • Work on training on the vault, bars, beam, floor, and trampoline with USAG techniques.
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Children practicing pole activities in GForce recreational gymnastics classes

Level 2: Ages 6+

Athletes are invited to our 90-minute Level 2 class after completing the Level 1 program by properly executing skills from our USAG-based curriculum.

In this class, gymnasts will:

  • Learn skills like round-offs, backbend kick-overs, handstand forward rolls, turns on the balance beam, and vaulting to handstand.
  • Work on proper stretching, strength and conditioning exercises, and drill skills to create muscle memory for skill progressions.
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Children working on body flexibility in GForce recreational gymnastics classes

Level 3: Ages 6+

Our two-hour Level 3 class is offered to athletes upon completing Level 2 requirements.

In this class, gymnasts will:

  • Learn skills like vaulting to front handspring, front hip circles on bars, back handsprings on floor, and cartwheels on beam.
  • Work on proper stretching, strength and conditioning exercises, and drill skills to create muscle memory for skill progressions.
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Children working on tumbling skills in GForce recreational gymnastics classes

Beginning Tumbling: Ages 6+

Our 60-minute co-ed Beginning Tumbling class teaches entry-level tumbling skills both on the floor and trampoline.

In this class, gymnasts will:

  • Learn how to expand their gymnastics flips and tricks.
  • Work on cartwheels, round-offs, backbends, kick-overs, and back walkovers, with the ultimate goal of mastering a standing back handspring.
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Children practicing body stretching in GForce recreational gymnastics classes

Intermediate Tumbling: Ages 8+

Athletes in our 60-minute co-ed Intermediate Tumbling class will continue to advance in their tumbling skills on both the floor and trampoline.

In this class, gymnasts will:

  • Learn to gain connections and tumbling passes across the floor. (Prerequisite: back handspring)
  • Work on achieving a round-off back handspring, front handsprings, aerials, and much more.
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Children learning advanced standing skills in GForce recreational gymnastics classes

Advanced Tumbling: Ages 10+

Athletes in our 60-minute co-ed Advanced Tumbling class will grow their tumbling skills on both the floor and trampoline.

In this class, gymnasts will:

  • Learn advanced standing skills, such as a back tuck on the floor. (Prerequisites: front handspring and round-off back handspring)
  • Work on achieving more challenging tumbling skills and passes, such as a roundoff back handspring back-tuck on floor.
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All the dedicated gymnasts stood in an organized formation at the Gforce training ground.

Gymnastics Team (Invite-Only)

For those looking to grow beyond our recreation classes, GForce offers a variety of team programs that are the next step up for dedicated gymnasts who have been invited by their coach.

Our Gymnastics Teams Programs:

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Frequently Asked Questions
About Enrollment

To enroll, simply create an account with us online and choose the class time that best fits your schedule. We offer a variety of class times to accommodate busy families.
GForce charges tuition one month in advance on the first of each month. Upon sign-up, you will pay a prorated amount for the current month, as well as one month in advance.
Yes! All classes are continuous, allowing new children to join and stop at any time without interruption.
The annual fee per child is charged each year your child is actively enrolled in classes, ensuring our coaches, equipment, and facilities remain state-of-the-art.
No, we do not offer makeup classes to maintain small ratios and provide the best experience for each child.
Our classes are categorized by age groups and skill levels. You can check our class schedule, contact us, or visit the nearest GForce location to find the best fit for your child.
Every class at GForce adheres to strict ratios, with no more than 8 students per instructor.
While you may transfer to another class if your family’s schedule changes, we encourage consistency for the best progression of your child.
Girls should wear a leotard, shorts, leggings, or a t-shirt/tank top, while boys can wear athletic shorts and a t-shirt/tank top. All students must be barefoot, and hair must be pulled back into a ponytail.

Have more questions? Contact us.

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